The Bird Habitat Area opened in May 2013.
It is located just north of the school across Springland Avenue. Hansen Huckleberry Trail, the main trail in the Bird Habitat Area, begins after a short walk up the mulched path. The pavilion that stands at the entrance was built by MCAS personnel and funded through Coastal Grants. It is used by Krueger students throughout the year and by elementary students during Elementary Field Days.
Hansen Huckleberry Trail is named after Randy Hansen, a former teacher at Krueger Middle School. Mr. Hansen explored the area north of the school building and marked a trail. In August 2011, staff found the old the path that Randy Hansen had identified and began planning for an outdoor classroom. The final design for the Bird Habitat Area includes three trails and twelve learning stations.
All three Bird Habitat trails start from the pavilion area. The trails loop back to a spring pond and then exit approximately one half mile to the east.
Twelve learning stations are located along the trails. Each station has its own focus, information, and activities.
Krueger students cleared the brush and trees and put down mulch for the all of the trails and learning stations. They carried planks and installed the benches. They built and hung the houses for bluebirds, wood ducks, chickadees, bats, and woodpeckers throughout the area. They designed, cut, painted, and installed the wooden trail signs.